Thursday, July 1, 2010

Adopt a Pet - Its free for lifetime !!!

The third weekend of January each year is witness to an unprecedented rush to Blue Cross of India’s shelter in Guindy. People literally wait for the gates to open and want to be the first adoptee in the Pet adoption program conducted by Blue Cross.

The annual pet adoption program was started by Blue Cross 8 years ago in response to a worldwide call by the North Shore Animal league in USA. The first weekend of May every year saw animal shelters all over the world holding adoption programs and finding homes for hundreds of abandoned animals in those two days. But on a practical note, in India, we found that either people were travelling or the heat of May was keeping them away and so we decided to shift the dates to January which is definitely cooler. Not coincidentally, the Animal Welfare Fortnight is celebrated every year from the 15th to the 30th of January all over India. It was only appropriate that we indulged in a special drive to find homes for mongrel pups and kittens during this period.

Adopt a Pet On the third Saturday and Sunday of Jan , between 8.30 a m and 5.30 p.m. Blue Cross becomes a beehive of activity as our volunteers cope with a steady flow of prospective adoptees picking up a pup or kitten of their choice and returning home with a smile ,looking forward to the days ahead where the little one will become an inseparable member of their loving family. Pups always form the majority since people are more inclined toward dogs. Booklets on how to handle the pet and a ready reckoner on the feeding and vaccination schedules are given out and our volunteers personally enquire about the pets during the next few weeks to make sure that everything is fine.

What should you do?
Adopt a pet instead of buying it. Help the homeless animals. Give your home, share with it.

What would you get back?

A lifetime free love of the pet you take home.

Note: This is not an authorized blog.

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